Month: November 2020

Brazil’s Amazon rainforest has suffered its worst deforestation for 12 years. An area of 11,088 km2 (2.7 million acres) – seven times the size of London – was lost in a year. The official data from Brazil’s space research agency was released on Monday and showed a 9.5% annual increase. Satellite images from August 2019
Moderna has said it is filing for regulatory approval in the US, and that its vaccine trials have shown no serious safety concerns. The US-based company has also said its vaccine was 94.1% effective, with 100% efficacy against severe COVID-19 in its phase three trial. Efficacy was consistent across age, race and ethnicity, as well
An Iranian nuclear scientist was assassinated by a remote-controlled machine gun mounted on a car, the country’s semi-official Fars news agency has reported. Al Alam, Iranian state TV’s Arabic language channel, has made a similar claim stating that weapons “controlled by satellite” were used in the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on Friday. However the channel
It is “too early to say” if another national lockdown will be needed after Christmas, according to a senior minister. George Eustice said “you can’t rule anything out” when asked by Sky News if the “stay at home” measures could come back into force to keep coronavirus under control. The environment secretary also admitted it